Sheba Cat Food – What A Horrible Mom!

We agree with the title of the video because this Sheba Cat Food commercial is probably one of the worst ads that we have ever seen! The Mother in the ad cares more about smirking at her cat when her daughter is injured and bleeding, than actually being a Mom. This advertisement is so damn bad that my 90 year old Mother tried for hours to figure out how use her computer to write them online and tell them. She was unsuccessful.


This Glidden Pain ad starts with a homeowner asking his friends if they could stay and help him paint. Then the song kicks in, and the first line of the song goes “Wow, you got a lotta balls” over a hip-hop beat, while weird people, dressed in bad clothes, dance around like idiots. When this ad comes on, I change the channel as quickly as possible.


GMC SIERRA – ‘THE Truck’ Is Muted ASAP

This GMC Sierra ad titled “The Truck” is really annoying because they put a big emphasis on the word THE, and anything that rhymes with it. I usually don’t change the channel when this ad comes on, but as soon as I hear the first line or see the letters GMC on the TV, I have to mute as quickly as possible. The version I found online is a bit toned down on the harsh emphasis on “THE”, but it is still bad. The version of the ad on TV has not changed and is still as annoying as ever.


ALL Subliminal Picture-In-Picture Ads

I really hate ALL of the ads that show a snippet of some other game or show, and then switch to picture-in-picture, showing the fake show/game next to the commercial. This is not the same as when they play ads alongside a live game, like they do in big games or golf tournaments and other important sports events. In these ads the game or show they are showing is never live. These ads are trying to subliminally trick you into watching the ad, but we are on to them, and we now change the channel as fast as possible. In this ad it is Dunkin Donuts, but many companies are doing it, and I believe it happens most while watching on Pluto.

The worst offenders of this type of advertisement is Dodge. Unfortunately, it seems that they only play these subliminal advertisements on TV, so we have been unable to find additional examples, but anyone who watched Pluto TV will know what we’re talking about.

Proctor and Gamble – Pushing Trans Crap & Lies

Proctor and Gamble seems to have jumped off the deep end into complete wokeness, which I’m sure is not doing their brand any favors! I would bet that Proctor and Gamble has lost a LOT of business and profits since joining in to produce justice warrior advertisements – which seems to be all they have on air now.

Julie Emergency Contraception – Just Gross!

This advertisement for Julie emergency contraception, entitled “Your Friends With Benefits” is disgusting and wrong! Two girls argue over who needs to murder their baby the most according to how much of a loser their boyfriends are. Who, in their right mind, thought that this ad was a good idea? They definitely need help! Good thing it’s easy to change the channel, we we’re not forced to watch that crap!

Indeed Job Search – Pronouns In Trans Interview

The wokeness of this Indeed Job Search, where a trans man is asked about his pronouns in a job interview – which made him feel better about the interview. I have to say, if a job interviewer told me his pronouns, and asked me for mine, I would stand up and leave because you KNOW it will be a really messed-up workplace, with mentally-ill people and a lot of potential landmines!

Proctor and Gamble – Race Baiting At It’s Finest!

Proctor and Gamble have jumped into the culture wars with both feet, and unfortunately Proctor and Gamble is now pushing gay and trans crap as well as race baiting with the best of them. In this ad, Proctor and Gamble plays up the lie about police hunting black people, when in reality that is a lie. The ultimate racist Al Sharpton would be proud at the level of racist crap that Proctor and Gamble is involved in!


I have learned that Burger King ads are completely intolerable with the sound on, due to the off-key singing. Burger King ads are kind of like fingernails on the blackboard with the sound on, but with the sound off they are actually pretty decent ads. The pictures of their food make me want to eat there. Too bad they closed all of the Burger Kings in my area.